Limited edition 1000 copies deluxe 8-page digipack. "Horn" was formed as a solo project in 2003 and is a solitary musical undertaking up to the present day. The initial drive behind the project was to create nature-themed Black Metal, focussing on the relation of man and nature in a regional context. The old material, being mainly concerned with detailed descriptions of nature and incorporating rather upbeat, folk-influenced riffing, has made way for more sinister themes and soundscapes over the years. What has remained throughout the course of 6 studio albums is the distinct "Horn" sound, featuring siren-like lead guitars, classical Black Metal-styled vocals as well as clean chorals and a serious folkloristic approach, far from the jolly drunken Viking tunes celebrated these days. "Konflikt" marks the 10 year anniversary of "Horn". The solo projects sixth studio album focusses on the essence of conflict and follows several episodes of Europe-related territorial and ethical disputes throughout the last centuries. The album, comprising 7 ideas on the relation of man, passion and war, is presented in five (six) European languages (German, New Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Dutch, and Bokmal) related to the respective topics. "Konflikt" features a vast variety of musical styles, ranging from classical fast-paced Black Metal, through choral pieces, fanfare-styled hymns and serious folkloristic elements in the vein of Isengard, Primordial and Bathory, to the traditional, siren-like guitar sound the project is known for.