Eremite (Genoa, Italy) is the solo band of mighty Fabio Cuomo, "Dragonarius" is the name of an ancient lake near Genoa, now completely dried up, where Fabios home rises and where he wrote and played the whole album, by himself, simply recording the music he wanted to listen to. Eremites sound is highly influenced by the grim atmospheres of bands like Neurosis, Yob, Wolves in The Throne Room and Dissection. It is characterised by massive riffs, ever-evolving into black metal openings and nodder doom riffs, with a taste of classic music. The album is a 40 minutes of pure intensity and contains two monolithic tracks: 1 - CONTEMPLATING THE SILENT MONOLITH (19.26) 2 - NOT OF THIS WORLD (17.27) Dragonarius has been recorded and mastered at Greenfog Studio (Genoa) by Mattia Cominotto. The album cover art is a painting by Jessica Rassi.