Electric Silence
Repress! Originally released in 1974 on famous German label Bacillus, Dzyan's third and final album, 'Electric Silence' is recognized for its daring world beat elements, and totally acidic album cover art. Dzyan refined their sound even further into improvisation and exotic sounds, mixed with weird experimentations and mysticism. 'Electric Silence' offers other-worldly music of incredible beauty and strangeness, influenced by the music of Asia but taking it into far more original realms. Multi-instrumentalists Marron and Karwatky experimented with sitar, saz, tambura, mellotron, synthesizers, bass-violin, and a mysterious invented instrument called "super-string", all merged in an extreme melting pot of styles, ideas and fertile imagination, interacting into a "psychedelic worldgroove"; while Giger, bursting with creative power and virtuosity, holds it together with his fantastic drumming. From the weird opium-den trance soundtrack of 'Khali' to the more funky 'For Earthly Thinking,' to the even wilder tracks like 'The Road Not Taken,' Dzyan crafted one of the finest and most unique works of the krautrock era. 'Electric Silence,' an amazing work on its own, rhythmically adventurous and unique jazzprog, is indeed one of the landmarks in experimental rock, a masterpiece. A highlight in German rock history. Don't miss this vinyl reissue transferred from original mastertape with 4 pages insert, band history, unseen photos et. al.