This Is Frafra Power
"In the summer of 2017 Francis Ayamga, drummer in King Ayisoba's band, gave me a penn-drive filled with music he recorded over the last couple of years in his studio in Bongo, in the North of Ghana. I got curious, listened through all the tracks and discovered a lot of fantastic music from local artists hardly anyone knows. Most of the songs are sung in Frafra, the language of the region. We decided to make a compilation. I made a selection from more than two hundred tracks and in January 2018 I traveled to Bongo to meet the musicians, interview them, make videos and take pictures. We recorded the whole Zenabu women group outside the small studio with one microphone since they did not fit inside. It became a wonderful overview of the local music scene in Bongo, the village King Ayisoba is originally from. In January 2019 I go back to Bongo and we will have a big release party of this album. King Ayisoba is already very busy preparing everything!" ~Arnold de Boer/Zea, Amsterdam, December 2018.