Echo Neuklang (neo-kraut-sounds 1981-2023)
Featuring recordings spanning the entire period 1981-2023, the music in this collection demonstrates how the idea of what passed for Krautrock in the 1970s has been interpreted or reinterpreted by a diverse array of artists with distinct approaches in the decades that followed, without recourse to any generic conventions. TRACKS: 01. STEFAN THELEN & OLEK GELBA - DER WEG NACH INNEN (AUSSEN) 02. BURNT FRIEDMAN - PLATIN TUNDRA 03. HAINDLING - WEITE WELT 04. CONNY FRISCHAUF - LICHTERLOH 05. MOEBIUS & RENZIEHAUSEN - HYDRATOR 06. DEUTSCHE WERTARBEIT - DEUTSCHER WALD 07. KREIDLER - WINTER 08. WORKSHOP - ESKAPADE 09. LOVE-SONGS - LOVE-SONGS GEGEN DIE ZEIT 10. TO ROCOCO ROT - TOOK 11. HAERTE 10 - COSMOS ANNIE 12. SCHLAMMPEITZIGER - SCHLAFATEMWAGEN 13. RHEINGOLD - STRAHLENDE ZUKUNFT