Crazy World Of Music Hall Records 2
Finally, and thanks to the hard work of the fine folks at INAMU (Instituto Nacional de la Música de Argentina) and the amazing selection job of Nekro (Fun People & Boom Boom Kid), Beat Generation is proud to present 'The Crazy World Of Music Hall Records Vol. 2,' the second of a three-volume set of mind-blowing LPs compiling the finest of the '60s and '70s output from the legendary Argentinian label Music Hall. This second volume shifts the focus more into the '70s and presents an amazing selection ranging from psychedelic to hard rock, raunchy instrumentals, soul, freak beat or moog sounds. 15 gems of '70s Argentinian music to melt your brain to. SIDE 1: 1. Banana: Tengo Sed 2. Experiencia: Segura Satisfacción 3. La Nueva Generación: Shock 4. Lord Lemon: Un Montón De Amor 5. Caballo Vapor: Tu Vuelo En Este Rock 6. Sol: Lo Que Llaman Suerte 7. Trocha Angosta: Tema De Un Hombre Triste 8. Silvestre: Me Doy Cuenta SIDE 2: 1. Jumbo: Buenos Aires Soul 2. Bobby Rivera Orchestra: Atasacado En El 3. Egle Martin: Dombe Barilo 4. Reginal Palmeri: In Ovni 5. Africa: Solo Penetración 6. Music Hall Pop Orchestra: Salsa Picante 7. Daphne And Cloe: Lover Cha-Cha