Bongo A-go-go (+cd)
Bongo A-Go-Go!!! Bygosh, but of course! How isit that El Vidocq had never beforecast a spell upon this percussively practical instrument? Indeed, though modest in size, the sonorous bongo is rather difficult to ignore. Ever groovy andconvivial, thisinstrument straightoutof the '50sand'60s is readilyassociated with QuentinTarantino, not to mention Michael Viner's Incredible Bongo Band. But as always, our southwestern Frenchselector has proudly unearthed a few rare nuggets, digging deep into his ridiculous collection of original 45s toproposesome sumptuous exotica,OST-flavored pop, R'n'B and R'n'R, bongo boogie, mambo and cha-cha-cha, pulsating swing... And onceagain, Marcel Bontempi has produced a jacket ofmarvelous eye candy. Boom Bam Da Boom, it's time to turn upthevolume and wiggle one'sfanny to these fantastic arrangements!