Black Is Beltza Ii: Ainhoa (2lp)
Soundtrack for the animated film 'Black Is Beltza II: Ainhoa,' directed by Fermin Muguruza. Maite Arroitajauregi, Mursego, is in charge of the original music for the movie, the soundtrack presents killer tracks by Kortatu, RIP, Barricada, Cicatriz, Redskins, The Pogues etc. SIDE 1: 1. Kortatu - Zu Atrapatu Arte 2. Imanol - Lau Haizetara 3. Kortatu - Sarri, Sarri 4. Benny Moré - Castellano, Qué Bueno Baila Usted 5. Broken Brothers Brass Band - Nicaragua Sandinista 6. RIP - Terrorismo Policial SIDE 2: 1. Cicatriz - Botes De Humo 2. Kortatu - Etxerat 3. Kortatu - Nicaragua Sandinista (Zuzenean) 4. Kortatu - After-Boltxebike 5. Redskins - The Power Is Yours 6. Mikel Laboa - Ihesa Zilegi Balitz 7. Barricada - Barrio Conflictivo SIDE 3: 1. Kortatu - Ehun Ginen 2. Amal Murkus - Memories Of A Palestinian Wound 3. Tania Saleh - A Corner In Your Heart 4. Wajiha Rastagar - Paktiya 5. Khan Qarabaghi - Laka Da Zarke Pa Lara Zee Da Gullo Lakhta 6. Bakht Zamina - Maidanai Tamshah Mujlass 7. Welate Me - Denge Jinen Kurd SIDE 4: 1. The Pogues - Turkish Song Of The Damned 2. Mursego - Ye Maya 3. Brenda Navarrete - Yemaya 4. Massilia Sound System - Parla Patois 5. Mursego - Mauri-Ziari 6. Soapkills - Kasdoura 7. Joseba Tapia -Faszistak Donostian 8. Mursego - Zu Atrapatu Arte