A Visual And Auditory Reminder Of The Beauty...
'A Visual And Auditory Reminder Of The Beauty Of Life'. For their second anniversary Dutch label Seja Records released a nice compilation called 'A Visual And Auditory Reminder Of The Beauty Of Life'. The visual aspect is shaped by the sleeve and the label of the record on which a shapely lady floats through a glittering universe, undoubtedly listening to this music. The record starts with a remake of Fatal Casualties' 'Porta Breath', followed by a remix of 'Generate Electricity' from Niton Decay. But there's more goodies on the plate. The rediscovered 'Poeme Electronique' is present with the strong kraut-like 'Let There Be Neon'. ImiAFan & Adrian Smith (known as Clickclick ) are present with the nervous 'Try One'. 'A Visual And Auditory Reminder Of The Beauty Of Life' is a rich and beautiful compilation with exclusive songs, which do justice to the compelling musical ambitions Seja Records.