Traitors Return To Earth

Betting On A Full Collapse

In 2011 Traitors Return to Earth released Smokescreen and received warm welcomes from the international doom scene as a result. This their sophomore effort, the much awaited Betting on a Full Collapse promised not to disappoint. While Smokescreen offered up critical observations of endless wars and of US foreign policy, Betting on a Full Collapse shifts its harsh critique toward the failing monetary policies of a rapidly growing world bank. The vinyl release will feature all original cover art from W. Ralph Walters, including an original Traitors Return to Earth themed comic book by W. Ralph Walters in every album as well as a download for the album plus two bonus tracks! Traitors doubled down on Betting, choosing once again to play all basic tracks live. The result is a very raw and personal experience that draws in the listener. Digging even deeper into the riff, Traitors have grown darker and more complex on Betting while still allowing for a certain diversity. "Betting On A Full Collapse is a brilliant album that I cannot rate highly enough. This is their best work to date and I hope there is more to come from these hugely talented sludge metallers... They might be great guys away from the band but once they are playing as a collective un it then they are true demonic force of nature. A dark and brooding unflinching ride of thrills and spills take this album into the realm of brilliance."

LP - 1 disk
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