Sky High
Freedom, the 12th album from SKY HIGH, featuring "critically acclaimed" Swedish blues/rock guitar legend Clas Yngstrom, is a heavy guitar revelation which includes 16 killer trax (69 minutes) of outstanding, blistering-hot, intense powerful blues/rock riffage of the highest order. On Freedom (their first disc for GROOVEYARD RECORDS, a new label dedicated to TOTAL GUITAR), SKY HIGH went into a studio in the backwoods of Sweden earlier this year and laid down the blues/rock law. Going back to their heavy power trio roots and keeping true to the format, Clas Yngstrom & Sky High recorded Freedom "live" in the studio and got down to some serious blues/rock business. This is the way REAL blues/rock music is meant to be played...RAW, LOUD & HARD or, as we like to refer to it @ the grooveyard, "RAW BLUES POWER!!!" On the Freedom sessions, Clas & Co. dig deep into their best & heaviest material, complete with several kool surprises including a "bad-ass" version of "Freedom" by Hendrix. The end result features some of the most incredible, fierce, over-the-top, awesome beyond all reason HEAVY GUITAR THREE PIECE KICK ASS CYCODELIC BLOOZE ROCK you have ever heard.