Three pieces and a triptych: 'Diva', inspired by the 1981 film of the same name, this track features the voice of an opera singer recorded on a tape which is then treated with a cotton swab covered in light sandpaper. 'Tune Casio', this track celebrates the twilight of the last noisy appliances, destined for extinction. 'Tick Soul', this composition revolves around the buzzing of flickering Christmas tree lights, captured as the interference from various appliances. Iddu / Eetnaa / Vacuum, the audio material for this triptych was taken from a series of recordings made at Stromboli by placing microphones in the crevices of volcanic rock, in order to capture the force of the wind and the rumbling of the active volcano. The other sounds in the background come from a soundscape recorded on the street where Skrima lived at the time called, not surprisingly, Via Industriale. All the tapes were recorded between 1981 and 1983. The added effects and mixing on four tracks was done between 1983 and 1986.