Alte Liebe...
'Alte Liebe...' marks the revival of an old love affair with electronic music: If you frequented festivals like 'Forms Of Hands' or 'Maschinenfest' in the noughties, chances are you experienced the captivating performances of S.I.N.A whose unique appearance left an indelible mark, fronted by female singer Sina Hübner, backed by Stefan Böhm aka Nullvektor on controls. Their releases are still topical, and 'Snapshot' from 2000 is rightfully considered a foundation stone for the rhythm'n'noise and industrial techno genre. Fast forward to 2024, and the comeback album is finally here, offering a mature and confident exploration of themes ranging from self-doubt to female empowerment against an engaging and versatile musical backdrop. Musically, 'Alte Liebe...' presents a diverse sound: From melancholic, post-punk melodies to electro clash and EBM-infused structures, S.I.N.A demonstrate their versatility and depth within a minimalistic approach. The album's rhythms and soundscapes set a captivating pace, while Sina Hübner's remarkable vocal range adds an emotional depth that resonates throughout each track.