Secret Oyster
The recordings of 'Striptease' were a long time lost. In 1975 Secret Oyster had reached broad acceptance in Danish cultural life and on the music scene. Their 3rd album 'Vidunderlige Kaelling (Astarte)', reissued on vinyl and CD by LongHair, received massive media attention and a big audience. After finishing the rcordings for their 4th album 'Straight To The Krankenhaus' (also reissued on vinyl and CD by LongHair) the band was pleased to work on the recordings for another "ballet" with working title 'Striptease' by famous choreographer Flemming Lindt. The recordings took place in May 1976, 8 tracks, all composed by saxophone and keyboard player Karsten Vogel and further keyboarder Kenneth Knudsen. Musically a mixture of the 3rd and 4th album with the 7 minutes highlight 'Pas De Deux' which features Claus Böhling on guitar at his best. Great atmospheric music, dominated by organ and sax, wonderful melodies: these recordings had that special Secret Oyster feeling; great stuff, intelligent fusion rock with changing moods. Includes liner notes by Karsten Vogel, rare photos and is remastered.