Rainy Day Saints
Diamond Star Highway
"From high concept to one man band and finally, a full fledged rock & roll combo. Rainy Day Saints are what's happening! Main man Dave Swanson has surrounded himself with what they refer to in the music biz as 'top notch talent'! The amount of hours, days, years these guys have under their collective belts is, well.it's a lot. From the rave reviews and major airplay of the first album, "Saturday's Haze", the anticipation is high for new RDS and 'Diamond Star Highway' delivers in full! From the jangly to the distorted, from the pretty to the raw, from the rocked out to the acoustic and from the earthbound to the outer space .this new disc has it all. The influences are there, but they're dressed up in their own way. Yeah it's pop.. yeah it's powerful...yeah it's rock and yeah..it does roll. So take a ride on the 'Diamond Star Highway'. There is no filler amongst the 11 tracks that compile the album with 10 outstanding original and the best cover of the Dead Boys' punk classic "Sonic Reducer" which they slow down making it a spooky haunting ballad! It's their happening and it freaks them out!"