Side project of Harrison Stafford (GROUNDATION). Recorded with some of the best Jamaican musicians in the famous studios 'Harry J' (Kingston) further to his trip in Israel and Palestine. 'Professor' one who professes something: in this case the subject is the West Bank and the conflict between Israeli and Palestine societies. "Alone I would walk the streets at night, reflecting on the impact of the day, and singing songs into my IPhone. One particular meeting struck me very deeply; A Palestinian poet told me that he knew reggae well, but did not like the music of Bob Marley and the Rasta singers. He had thought their music it was too negative, too Zionist, and totally against his everyday experience. Returning to Israel to Jamaica I locked myself in my one-room home away from home in the hills above St. Ann's Bay, in the Lime Hall community, and with the revolutionary spirit of Marcus Garvey blowing through the green lush fruit trees I sat with my guitar and arranged my West Bank songs into these 8 tracks. I hope everyone from both sides of the line enjoys the music. Blessings always, Harrison Stafford 'Professor'." CD includes 8 extra dub versions.