Orquesta La Solvencia
El Guacal De La Salsa
The rescue of the only album by the La Solvencia Orquesta symbolizes very well the full meaning of the mission of the El Palmas label, stubborn in keeping the history of salsa alive in Venezuela, recovering the intrepid and genuine music with which the pillars of the salsa genre were built. At the time this album appeared, originally released by the Corpodisco label in 1980, "guaguancó, guaracha, son and merengue were played, but Latin rhythms were not yet definitively labeled as salsa" says Felipe Díaz, singer of La Solvencia. There were many orchestras of this type in Venezuela. Every season they used to visit dozens and dozens of towns to celebrate the festivities of different patron saints, popular celebrations in which people gave themselves up to dancing in an atmosphere of collective trance. The combination of the natural and contagious groove of La Solvencia's songs with lyrics that paint with strokes as simple as they are accurate the daily life of ordinary people, their joys and disappointments, their urgencies and troubles, transformed the group into one of the favorites of the Venezuelan salsa public.