Mortui Vivos Docent
This Swedish 70's rock/doomband with a heavy touch of stoner was formed in 2007 by former and active members of the death/thrashbands Talion and Phidion: Fredrik Lundquist (also Bloodbanner and Melting Flesh), Alex Zaino, Magnus Karkea, Mathias Ojemark (also Melting Flesh) and Martin Missy (also ex-Protector). Between autumn of 2009 and autumn of 2010 Obrero recorded a 12-track demo. In the summer of 2010 Alex Zaino left Obrero and was replaced by Calle Sjostrom (ex-Unchaste, ex-Talion). In January 2011 the band signed a record deal with the underground label Night Tripper Records. Between the 29th of January and 12th of March 2011 Obrero recorded their first album "Mortui Vivos Docent". It was mixed by Anders Eriksson.