Norton, Doris
Artificial Intelligence
Apple's first music "endorsement" (later IBM consultant) and early Roland affiliate, Doris Norton is one of the most important pioneers in the use of synths and in early electro/computer music. This 1985 album was composed and programmed only with the alfanumerical keyboard of the computer. The total of the notes and coded events takes to the number 124.648: of these 123.827 were coded with 'step time' procedure and the rest with real time procedure. Having done reduced the keyboard Doris Norton used only an hexaphonic JX.8P with memory processed by her and interfaced to the computer. No drums were used, neither electronic nor much less acoustic. All the rhythmics were obtained by A.D.A. conversions and processing of wave ranges and with the use of expanders with a very special handling of envelopes, frequency, resonance and noise.