Verderf (2lp+cd)
Nihill, an outfit firmly entrenched in the European underground, travels freely from one metal sub-genre to the next, effectively dispensing with the notion of a genre specific work all together. The reflexive nature with which Nihill makes these connections puts them beyond the boundaries of simple categorization. 'Verderf' is Nihill's 4th studio-album after the trilogy 'Krach' (Monumentum), 'Grond' (Hydrahead), 'Verdonkermaan' (Hydrahead) and 'As. Undead At Roadburn' (Roadburn Records). Nihill is black metal, drone, doom, noise, and even hints at martial industrialism; arriving at something resembling mechanistic dark ambient as much as traditional black metal. If this unique work need suffer comparison for the sake of cognition, Nihill's nearest contemporaries are the likes of Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega and the more obtuse of America's own Leviathan.