My Uncle The Wolf


My Uncle The Wolf, the banned from New York, return with their second studio album titled 'Flush'. The origins of the fourteen-track 'Flush' adhere to the cardinal rule of My Uncle The Wolf: anything goes. After recording the debut 'My Uncle The Wolf' LP and 'The King's Ransom' EP in Louisiana; and touring Europe supporting MINISTRY on their C U LaTour, the banned turned to their winning formula: isolation and the mysterious, for inspiration. Unlike past efforts, the banned chose their native Brooklyn as backdrop for 'Flush'; tracking in Brooklyn's Treefort Studios and mixing/mastering in the city's SMT Studios, with producer Shane Stoneback and assistant producer Brian Herman. 'Flush' was documented in December of 2009 into the early weeks of 2010. Two years worth of pre-production constructed by founding members Zachary Hutton (vocals and guitars), and George P. Vasilopoulos (guitar and others) served as blueprints to the sessions. The abandoning of these blueprints in search of the spontaneous is what gives 'Flush' the feel of the banned: danger. As a result, 'Flush' is a cohesive body of music, whose whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Each track has both its own unique identity, and its own unique character amongst the others. 'Flush' is dark and heavy with a pulse of its own. The depth of the album is in its range. The banned have survived their fair share of labors, earning the black and blue theme of the artwork. 'Flush' is about perseverance in living the life of the banned while remaining gentlemanly. 'Flush' is New York, the REAL New York. 'Flush' is for you. 'Flush' is for itself. 'Flush' is My Uncle The Wolf.

CD - 1 disk
Release date
Exp. 28-05-2010
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