Mitelli, Gabriele/john Edwards/mark Sanders
Three Tsuru Origami
The album is a dedication to the world of birds, to the creatures of the world and their migrations. The idea for this album stems from the great energy and everyday courage needed by "the artist" to express himself, trying to break into the everyday world, in this case the world of sound. It comes from the sky, as if it was an alien sound that comes in peace, to find its own space among the noises and "music" of contemporary civilisation and, like everything that is different, is greeted with suspicion and kept at a distance. Inspiration and the creative act come from afar, from an unknown world, and in order to reach us, conductive copper, they have to go through a long process of migration and integration. The hustle and bustle of the world flattens the curiosity to explore the experience of what comes from elsewhere and activates mechanisms of emotional detachment that lead to assessing the enterprise of migration as a petty act of conquest. But this is not always the case. What if these migrations were transformed from news stories into legends and heroic acts? What if the tale of the journey was an adventure novel that could be shared with young and old? What if the story of a child who travels miles to escape from war was proposed to the western world in the same way as we read about the heroic migration of the Limosa, a bird that travels more than 13.000 km without feeding and stopping? What would it change? The answer is not contained in my music, but within there is the hope that migrations, of all kinds and creatures, can be written and told as great modern classics, contemporary legends, new popular adventures that destroy the fear of arrival to make way for the landing of our favourite hero. I wanted to tell you six stories where extraordinary birds are involved.