Mater Dronic
20.000 Leguas De Viaje Psicoactivo (2cd)
'20.000 Leguas De Viaje Psicoactivo': A second step in nearly more than ten years after Mater Dronic's first acclaimed masterpiece 'Mundo Espectro'. This record opens an even more wide direction of Jose Carlos Sistos' personality; a devastating wave between a wild and soft experience floating in a permanent world full of surprises. Heavy psych, acid folk, acid rock, psych folk, call it in the way you desire! These 18 songs have all those ingredients and even more. Clearly a masterpiece from start to finish. If you want personal acid rock (that means pure music with no any ties, fashion and label) this is for you!! Limited double CD of only 300 copies. Very soon a limited extra luxury triple LP edition with heavy gatefold cover, a booklet with lyrics in Spanish and English will be available too.