Lyd Heavyman
Lyd Heavyman is the pseudonym of ace Spanish guitarist and one-man-band JC Sisto, the man behind some of the best hard-psychedelic projects ever created in Spain such as Mater Dronic or Shakti's Delirium. 'Electroadagio' is his second album, recorded as always at Estudio79 with Rafa Camisón, who also plays all drums on the album. Featuring collaborations from guitar players Pedro Gago (of cult hard-rock band Tiburón) and José Moares (Surya). Long tracks with killer guitar solos, melodic vocals, fuzz-wah... Imagine Alex Chilton fronting early Blue Cheer! Highly recommended if you like Thin Lizzy, Led Zeppelin, UFO, Hendrix, Cream, Black Sabbath, The Who, MSG... not forgetting Creation, Big Star, Cheap Trick, Boston, Redd Kross, Plimsouls, The Records, Bevis Frond, Nazz...