Krasnaya Plesen'
Velikie Ispolniteli Xxi Veka
'The Great Performers Of The 21st Century'. The name of the band Krasnaya Plesen (Red Mould) is known to each and everybody in modern Russia - well, back in 90s it was a true people's band over there. Pavel Yatsyna and his friends were always the real underground combo: forget any recording contracts, long live the piracy! So the official discography counts no least than 55 (!) studio albums. But 2014 marked the 25th anniversary of the band - so it's time for a proper vinyl release. This is a kind of "greatest hits"-compilation (if the term "hit" worked for the band) with two unreleased tracks, 'There's A Battle On The Glade' and 'Sometimes We Played On Untuned Axes'. For the fans of original folk rock and pop punk.