Heart Attack Alley
Living In Hell
HEART ATTACK ALLEY from Auckland New Zealand originated in 2009 in a series of blues jam sessions on Kristal Gs front porch. Kristal provided the guitar, and was joined by Dr. Karl Steven ( yes he's a Doctor and yes he did Play for Swedens Crossover Rap Band: Supergroove) on HARMONICA and STOMPBOX, and Caoimhe Macfehin on vocals. United by a appreciation for DIRTY, grinding music, Super Simple SPOOKY and MYSTERIOUS Guitar Riffs only POISON IVY ( the punk answer to ANGUS YOUNG) of THE CRAMPS where able to do and a Harp by Dr Karl Stevens a VOODOO HARMONICA how he calls it as sharp as LITTLE WALTERS back in the Days when that Instrument was a Dangerous Sex Pistol against Squarism and AUTHORITY and then : CAOIMHEs Vocals a Hot LAVA RIVER Of Feelings and words as sharp as a Butchers knife both Ultra Powerful in Lyrics and Melodies all 3 Together an unbeatable Combo!