Giant Robots
Too Young To Know Better...too Hard To Care
In the tradition of 60's French Pop Garage comes this band from the French Part of Switzerland, Michel an ultra die hard Mod still believes in the 60's way of life. And it was a thousand times better than today.. and he's actually right or not ??!! People did REVOLUTION not only talk about it, ...like we do today...The Spirit of the 60's you find also in these recordings NO HI Fidelity shit with crap sub bass,but it's LO in recording and HI in LISTENING PLEASURE. The Giant Robots exists since 1996 and their main inspiration are the AIGLONS a French/ Swiss band from the mid 60's. and Jaques Dutronc. What's good on the Giant Robots is that it's Garage Beat.. these days everybody says from Green Day over to the Hives th do garage punk.. but what it's all about you hear in this record, Back to the Grave Garage Punk with a French touch it' not aggressive it's music to get girls and boys to bed and fu with them and this it's what its all about or not ? Music to get Girls to bed with you, and if you aint gonna dance at least after the 3rd song, then you definitely need some Viagra action up your Butt - 'Beat-Manically' speaking-