Militant : Penitent : Triumphant
Following the huge success of the debut, Faidra's second full length builds further on this rock solid foundation. Again the unique sound and song structures that so many people loved on 'Six Voices Inside' are there, making it instantly recognizable as none other than Faidra. To keep that typical sound and atmosphere was indeed a very conscious decision. The familiar structures, ambient synth sounds and slow tempos from the first album are very much present and continue that tradition, while occasional new elements and influences are added. Work on this album started almost immediately after the release of the debut, knowing that it would take a long time to complete. But where the debut tackled a lot of different subjects, this album has a very specific theme running through almost every track. The larger concept handles the topics of sin, penitence and redemption; also mirroring the title of the album, which are the three states of the Catholic church - perfectly expressed in the classic painting by Salvator Rosa that was used as cover art.