Die Boslinge
Demo 1980
Die Böslinge were one of the first punkbands in Austria, founded by Erwin, Harry and Peter in 1979 and played at all punk places in Vienna back then, like Amerlinghaus, Gaga, Steinhof (Mental Ward), Arena, etc. Their only output was a self released 7" single, one of the rarest punk records from Austria, limited to only 200 copies, a solid 1.5K record - if it ever pops up anywhere... Die Böslinge disbanded right after this initial release in 1981, but before working on the songs that appeared on the single they recorded songs on a so called "demo." Bachelor Records got their hands on this cassette and sent it to Eric Brady to master the tracks - so here they are, the punk 'Demo 1980,' rough but straight to your face, direct, simple and aggressive songs (mostly) sung in Viennese dialect.