Derniere Volonte
Le Feu Sacre (mint Green)
First released in 2000, this album now comes remastered and with new cover artwork. Dernière Volonté is an artist that has been evolving over the years, starting from 1998 with the thematic limited cassette release 'Obeir Et Mourir' which was an historical snapshot of a particular place in time. However, in the millennium the level of standards were raised with their album 'Le Feu Sacré', which brought us a beating, martial rhythms and gloomy keyboard patterns, combined with orchestral samples, and of course Geoffrey D.'s characteristic voice and French vocals. The environment that formed without relying on the tricks of the trade is what really piqued interest. The beauty of this particular release lay in its simplicity and originality. Very outstanding that time and 21 years later still a masterpiece. Limited to 250 copies on mint green vinyl.