Culpeper's Orchard
Culpeper's Orchard
This band recorded one of the most beautiful records in Danish rock history. This self-titled debut album presents excellent electric guitar rock with some folk influences. There are heavier compositions like 'Mountain Music' (Parts 1 and 2) along with stunning songs s.a. 'Blue Day's Morning' or 'Gideon's Trap', with nice calm piano parts. The excellent English vocals come from Englishman Cy Nicklin. This talented Danish foursome produced three albums in the early '70s before disbanding, but then recorded another one under the shorter name CULPEPER in 77, which does not sound much like their former albums. The debut was particularly successful both commercially and artistically, a very entertaining and professional effort, somewhere stuck between Zeppelin, Tull and Beatles. The second album was more folky but saw two members leave after its release, leaving Nicklin alone at the helm and recording the third album, sometimes bordering country music.