Baxter Stockman
Baxter Stockman was founded in Helsinki, Finland in 2006. The aim was to form a band making harsh and strong rock-music. Over the years this collaboration of three young men has molded itself into a tight unit. Flesh has become stringy. Baxter Stockman sounds like a band, not like three musicians who just happened to wander in the same room at the same time. Previously the group has released two cd ep:s and a 7 single. March 2013 will see the release of the debut album 'Punter'. Baxter Stockman attacks with a mundane rage, toppling over its prey. RAPEMAN at their meanest, SWANS having cramps, G.G. ALLIN's forgotten grave... The drums are the size of a high-rise stone building. The guitar and the bass screech uncomfortably. Melodies are often based on just a couple of notes, but create a sonic world taking listener far beyond just that. The Vocals range from declaratory murmurs to harrowing cries. 'Punter' includes a collaboration with UMPIO, mr. Pentti Dassum with his junkelectronix. This is not art for arts sake, this is simply rock'n'roll as envisioned by Baxter Stockman.