Batman & The Salzburger Nockerl
Birra Pipistrello
After the 'Hero-In' single Bachelor released in June 2024, here is another 7-inch single from the world's greatest superhero! This time NOT released on Bachelor Records. This is a promotional single for beer and a certain rollerderby team. It was in 2007 when Bachelor put out the first single of Batman, way back then he was just a noisy duo, with is comrade Robin. With this recording he has gathered a smelly group of people around him who call themselves Mighty Anti-Heros. It's no less than Green Hornet on guitar, Wonderwoman on bass and Ghost Rider pounding the skins. All other Batman vinyl records sold out in a wink, so why should this not be happening here as well? You guys and gals NEED nasty primitive garage punk like this, and you KNOW it! It has not been officially revealed who played on the tracks on this single, but it sounds and feels like there were some semi-professionals involved this time. Side 1 is 'Birra Pipistrello,' written, recorded and produced only to promote his own brand of beer, Birra Pipistrello, which will soon be a household name, not only in Gotham City, also in Sardinia, Mallorca, Oktoberfest and similar Tutto Gas event cities. Side 2 'Salzburg Knock-Outs' and 'R.H.I.N.O.S.' are TWO songs about the worlds best rollerderby team, the Salzburg Knockouts a.k.a. The Rhinos). The single will be released officially at the 6th Austrian Rollerderby Championships, hosted in the city off Salzburg, Austria!